November 14

Room 11’s Write That Essay Progress

Room 11 has been learning to use different types of sentences in their writing. Varying sentence types are important in writing  to ensure we are working towards level 4. Below is a screenshot of Room 11’s progress on write that essay. As you can see, room 11 has not only the most active students across the school but also the most improved.  Room 11 has learnt how to use simple sentences, adverb start sentences, preposition start sentences and red, white and blue sentences. By applying various sentence types we create an atmosphere for our reader and make them more engaged.

October 31

Logging in to our individual learner blogs

Today we finally got to use our own individual learner blogs. The first thing we had to learn to do was log in. From our class blog we found the link to our own blog and then logged in with Google. It’s great using all Google products because it makes the login process easy.

A blog post has a title and a body. We drafted the body of our post first to make sure that we were writing a quality blog post. Once our draft had been checked by a teacher, we copied and pasted the text into the Edublog.

The last thing we had to do was learn how to add a picture. Pressing the Add Media button took us to a screen where we could upload our profile pictures. Some of us created an avatar instead of using an actual photo of ourselves. We could format this picture if we wanted to – to change the size or the orientation of the photo in our post. 

We used the Preview button to check we were happy with everything and then it was finally time to press Publish. You can connect with our individual blogs by clicking on the widget on the right-hand side of this blog. Our first entries will be our personal profiles. Please have a look and leave a comment.

October 18

Personal Blog Profiles

Today we put into practice all of the things we learned last term about leaving a positive digital footprint. We remembered what we’d learned about what can be shared publicly and what’s better kept private, then we created our personal blog profiles. 

These are some of the reasons to blog:
-to share our learning with the world;
-to connect with an authentic audience for our learning outcomes; 
-to engage in interactions and decision-making with our peers, whānau and a wider audience.

Now that our personal blog profiles are ready, we will start writing in our individual learner blogs. You can connect with our individual blogs by clicking on the widget on the right-hand side of this blog. Our first entries will be our personal profiles. Please have a look and leave a comment.

October 2

Room 11 Writing

Room 11 has been working on Write that Essay to improve our writing. We are learning to use sentence trains to experiment with different sentence types. In our first lesson we learnt about simple sentences, adverb starts and exploring the subject. There are 12 main sentences types that we will learn to master over the next term. We began with writing reports about ourselves. We tried to write in the third person and focused our paragraphs around different aspects of our lives. Here is some of our writing:


September 18

Kawa of Care

We have been learning about how to look after our chromebooks – the Kawa of Care. This is an important topic because our chromebooks are expensive and we want them to be useful for many years. To demonstrate our understanding of the Kawa of Care we created some comic strips using Google Draw.

This is our first time using Google Draw so we had to learn how to search for images on the internet using the Explore tool, and how to crop and resize our images. In Google Draw we learned how to insert a callout shape and how to use the align tool to center our text inside the callouts.

Here is a slidedeck of our comics. We hope you like them.

September 3

Protecting Our Personal Information

Another day learning with Manaiakalani. Today we learnt about protecting our personal information online and the effects it can have if we do overshare. We enjoyed exploring the Mindful Mountain on Interland. Some of us found the challenges easy, when we were having trouble our friends helped us out. Turns out, we weren’t reading the instructions which made gameplay expectionally difficult.  We completed a jigsaw and a jamboard exploring the postives, negatives and questions we had about sharing our information online.



August 31

Recording our reading

Yesterday, we decided to test our adaptable digital skills and reinforce what we have learned with Cheryl from Manaiakalani. We were focusing on reading punctuation and grammar accurately. Students used the free website vocaroo to recording themselves reading.

After completing the recording students needed to save and share their audio clip. The downloaded the clip to their files then had to rename and upload the file to their Hapara Literacy folder. We are still working on the latter.

Here is an example of a student’s recording:

Here are some pictures of students finding their own space to record their reading.


August 21

Making Music

Today we created our own music using the Song Maker Experiment in Chrome Music Lab. We had a lot of fun playing with some of the other experiments and then we got stuck in to creating our piece of music. Some people looked up popular songs that had Song Maker experiments already written for them, and then copied those. Some people wrote their own experiments of songs they liked. Some people wrote their own original songs.

Once we had the experiment written, then we inserted it into our robot animations from a few weeks ago. We changed the settings so that the music would play automatically and on a loop throughout our animation.

August 19

Room 11 Animations

Room 11 has been very engaged throughout the animation creation tasks We enjoyed learning to manipulate google draw, then transferring these skills to google slides to create our very own animations.

Many students spent some of their own time (including breaks) to create other animations that told a story or showed their character doing tricks. In the future I think we should try to challenge ourselves by retelling a story we have written in writing and incorporating subtitles so the reader can view and read the story simutaneously.

Check out our animations linked in the google slide below.